Episode 98: Women in Star Trek
Ilia Danner Grubbs, Alexis Neal, and Marie Hause discuss the Star Trek television shows and movies in regards to their portrayal and treatment of women, both on and off screen.
- Disclaimers about the scope of our discussion
- Our personal histories with Star Trek
- Historical Areas of Strength for Feminism:
- Women Onscreen: Star Trek’s Underappreciated Feminist History
- Women Offscreen: The Forgotten History of the Women Who Shaped Star Trek
- Historical Areas of Weakness for Feminism:
- Star Trek and the Bechdel Test
- Sexualization/Exploitation in the Orion Slave Girls and others
- White-Washing Feminism (strong language warning)
- Historical Areas of Strength for Feminism:
- Progress or Lack Thereof
- TNG S4:E3 “Remember Me” and accompanying article from Medium
- Trekkie Feminist, especially this post about viewing Star Trek through a feminist lens
Other episodes mentioned:
Christian Feminist Podcast # 62: Mike Pence and the Billy Graham Rule
Christian Feminist Podcast # 36: A Primer on Complementarianism
Christian Feminist Podcast # 37: A Primer on Egalitarianism
Christian Feminist Podcast # 5.1: Feminism on TV
Christian Feminist Podcast # 5.2: Feminism at the Movies
City of Man Podcast # 65: Femininity