The Pietist Schoolman Podcast, Episode #22: Education as Whole-Life Formation
This week I got to be a bit more of a Pietist schoolman again, as we considered how a Pietist ethos would shape education at several levels. Things started with Sam and…
Philosophy, Theology, Literature, and Other Things Human Beings Do Well
This week I got to be a bit more of a Pietist schoolman again, as we considered how a Pietist ethos would shape education at several levels. Things started with Sam and…
In this episode Danny Anderson speaks with Jay Eldred about the evangelical historian, David Barton, once named by Time as one of the 25 most influential evangelicals in America. Danny…
Nathan Gilmour leads Michial Farmer and David Grubbs in the second of our three discussions of Jedediah Purdy’s For Common Things.
Plato and the Elements of Dialogue by John H. Fritz 186 pp. Lexington Books. $85.00 Every time any writer does philosophy, John H. Fritz reminds us, we’re dealing with an…
Nora Bonner, Katie Grubbs, and Carla Ewert discuss how egalitarianism functions within the church and marriage, what it holds in common with complementarianism, and how the two doctrines tend to…
It’s one of the four instincts that we think defines the Pietist ethos: to trust that Christians are better together than apart. Around Bethel, it shows up as an “irenic [or peaceable]…
Download or Stream this Episode Ed Song and Coyle Neal take on the contested category we call conservatism in this pair of City of Man episodes. If you’ve not been…
David Grubbs leads Nathan Gilmour and Michial Farmer in the first of three discussions of Jedediah Purdy’s 1999 book For Common Things.
Download or Stream this Episode Danny Anderson is joined by the Christian Humanist Podcast’s Michial Farmer and are joined by special guest….Mike Farmer, Michial’s dad! Join in for a nostalgic…
If any one of Philipp Spener’s six “pious wishes” is most central, or does the most to set Pietism apart from other Christian traditions that place a high value on Scripture…
Download or Stream this Episode Join Danny Anderson, Ed Simon, and new contributor Jordan Poss as they fret over the disturbing rise of Donald Trump. What does the rise of…
Michial Farmer leads Nathan Gilmour and David Grubbs in a discussion of the 1995 Vigilantes of Love album Blister Soul.
Hey Humanists! The Christian Humanist Radio Network is pleased to present The City of Man Podcast, the newest show in the podcast network! Ed Song and Coyle Neal will discuss…
Download or Stream this Episode At the Christian colleges where I’ve taught, the question “Where did you go to school” sometimes brings tension as much as information. In evangelical circles…
Katie Grubbs, Victoria Reynolds Farmer, and Alexis Neal give an introduction to complementarianism as it functions in marriage relationships and church ministry. Introduction Why might we need to define complementarianism…