The Christian Feminist Podcast Episode 160: The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill
Ilia Danner Grubbs, Carla Godwin, and Kim Feldman discuss women’s issues raised in The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill Podcast
Philosophy, Theology, Literature, and Other Things Human Beings Do Well
Ilia Danner Grubbs, Carla Godwin, and Kim Feldman discuss women’s issues raised in The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill Podcast
Ilia Danner Grubbs, Christina Bieber Lake, and special guest Brian Grubbs discuss the female characters in the works of J. R. R. Tolkien KNOWING A little background on our experiences…
Ilia Danner Grubbs, Laurie Norris, and Sara Klooster discuss feminism, racism, and more in the Netflix miniseries The Queen’s Gambit INTRODUCTIONS SEGMENT 1: KNOWING Content warning, this show does portray…
Episode 135: Modern Female Friendships Ilia Danner Grubbs, Christina Bieber Lake, and Sara Klooster discuss Kayleen Schaefer’s book Text Me When You Get Home WELCOME INTRODUCTIONS SEGMENT 1: KNOWING We…
Ilia Danner Grubbs, Katie Grubbs, and special guest Megan Floyd discuss the history and social impact of Mother’s Day. Knowing Introductions Experiences with Mother’s Day as children Experiences with Mother’s…
Episode 111: Gender Equality in Parenting and Domestic Labor Stream or download this episode. Ilia Danner Grubbs, Victoria Reynolds Farmer, and Katie Norman Grubbs discuss Darcy Lockman’s book All the…
Ilia Danner Grubbs, Victoria Reynolds Farmer, and Katie Norman Grubbs discuss the intersectionality of Kate Chopin’s works through two of her short stories. INTRODUCTIONS KNOWING: Working definition and…
Stream or download this episode. Episode 104: Captain Marvel Ilia Danner Grubbs, Christina Bieber Lake, and Victoria Reynolds Farmer discuss the recent Captain Marvel movie, including prerelease trolling, box office…
Episode 98: Women in Star Trek Ilia Danner Grubbs, Alexis Neal, and Marie Hause discuss the Star Trek television shows and movies in regards to their portrayal and treatment…