The Christian Humanist Podcast, Episode 192: Hopkins’s Terrible Sonnets
Michial Farmer leads David Grubbs and Nathan Gilmour in a discussion of Gerard Manley Hopkins’s six “terrible sonnets.”
Philosophy, Theology, Literature, and Other Things Human Beings Do Well
Michial Farmer leads David Grubbs and Nathan Gilmour in a discussion of Gerard Manley Hopkins’s six “terrible sonnets.”
Download or Stream this Episode This episode continues Sectarian Review’s discussion of historical memory, the value of forgetting, and what to do about Confederate flags. Part II Protesting Building names…
Download or Stream this Episode In today’s episode, Ed and Coyle discuss the “Benedict Option,” Rod Dreher’s much-discussed call for Christians to “withdraw from the mainstream, for the sake of…
Science fiction is driven, not by rockets or lasers or robots, but by wonder. The vastness of space, the mystery of the shattered atom, the possibilities of technology—all push the…
Host’s Note: Please forgive the uneven recording quality of this episode. Nathan Gilmour was supposed to make a backup copy of the audio in case these sorts of things happened,…
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A new feature from the Book of Nature crew is coming, entitled “Booklets of Nature”. As the name implies, this will be a short-feature podcast, which enables the Book of…
Series Index Jurgen Moltmann, The Crucified God, 40th Anniversary Edition I hear what some of you are saying. “That’s not Kant!” Fear not, friends. The next Kant post is coming…
Download or Stream this Episode In this episode, Coyle and Ed talk about the challenges of contemporary American political discourse, and the alleged “smugness” of liberals. Episode 13 Show Notes…
This is the first entry in what will be a regular ongoing series, in which I examine the history and discography of some of the best artists in the underground…
Download or Stream this Episode In this, the first of two episodes about cultural monuments, Danny Anderson is joined by Jay Eldred and Jordan Poss. The three discuss the indeterminacy…
Introductions Listener Mail Knowing Controversies surrounding the 2016 film Our experiences of the 1984 film Did we like the remake? Reading Violet Ramis Stiel on Ghostbusters Chaz Ebert on Ghostbusters…
Series Index Principles of Christian Theology by John Macquarrie John Macquarrie’s Principles of Christian Theology does not have a conclusion in any formal sense; instead he ends the book with…
These chapters–“The Word and Sacraments” and “Worship and Prayer”–flow rather naturally from the previous chapters, in that we are talking about the means by which the Church performs its mission…