It’s time to start addressing some blind spots in our vision for higher education, as Dick Peterson embellishes on his brief remarks about science education in our book from InterVarsity Press and Ken Steinbach discusses the visual arts — utterly absent from that book. Better yet, both talk about teaching — a part of their craft for which each has won awards.
Further reading and listening:
Wilson on the Fermilab accelerator: “It only has to do with the respect with which we regard one another, the dignity of men, our love of culture” (CC 2.0 WMGoBuffs) Richard W. Peterson, “Pietistic Values in Science and Science Education,” in The Pietist Vision of Christian Higher Education: Forming Whole and Holy Persons, ed. Christopher Gehrz (IVP Academic, 2015)
- Dick’s long-form interview with Sam Mulberry for The Autobiography Podcast
- Two pieces mentioned by Dick in our conversation: C. P. Snow’s 1959 lecture, “The Two Cultures“; and Robert R. Wilson’s congressional testimony in 1969 on the value of the Fermilab’s first accelerator
- “Under the Rose“: Ken’s remarks on winning the 2014 Arlin G. Meyer Prize in Visual Arts from the Lilly Fellows Program (published in the Easter 2015 issue of The Cresset)
[…] Friday night, but episode 5 of The Pietist Schoolman Podcast went up yesterday on iTunes and the Christian Humanist website. In addition to physicist Dick Peterson talking about his chapter in our book, we expanded our […]