Certain philosophers shake up the world with a new frame of reference, a new central question, a new way to proceed in doing philosophy. In the twentieth century Martin Heidegger was one such figure. His turn from the Enlightenment’s overriding concern for epistemology to a new and refigured investigation of ontology meant a new philosophical project for those who followed him, and along with that quest came a need for critical assessment of his contributions. One such assessment is S.J. McGrath’s 2008 volume Heidegger: A (Very) Critical Introduction, and Christian Humanist Profiles is happy to welcome Sean McGrath on the program to talk Heidegger with us.
S.J. McGrath, Heidegger: A (Very) Critical Introduction
After recently finishing Being & Time, I turned to this interview, and quite enjoyed it–the conversation was collegial, lively, and engaging. I notice that guests on your program often begin with a certain respectful but tentative mien, but quickly warm to the quality of the questions and comments proffered–a testament to the quality of your work!
In this interview, I did find myself wishing to hear ‘more Heidegger.’ While McGrath’s critique of Heidegger’s somewhat facile and condescending ontic-ontological distinction is well-met, there was so much more that I was hoping to hear about–for instance, the tension between the ontological socialism of Division One and the psychological individualism of Division Two, which Taylor Carman regards as the one possible contradiction in Being and Time (is the public, they-self, and absorption in that world of common concern always a detrimental ‘falling’ from ‘authenticity,’ or is Being-with-Others not only phenomenologically basic, but also intrinsically constructive? I realize that all this might have been too much to ask for an interview bound to hew to the contours of McGrath’s book–a book which is necessarily limited in size and scope.
All of this leads me to encourage you to continue interviewing Heidegger scholars, to keep rounding out the picture (just as you’ve done excellently with Kierkegaard)! Although, by way of disclosure, I have not yet read this book, the following review leads me to suggest Judith Wolfe for your consideration: http://marginalia.lareviewofbooks.org/thinking-with-heidegger-on-the-theological-implications-of-an-a-theistic-philosophy-by-christopher-barnett/.
Thanks again–really enjoying your content.