David Grubbs leads a discussion with Nathan Gilmour and Michial Farmer about what makes our 259925_217925914913908_7919708_npodcast a particularly Christian endeavor. We also give our personal histories with the faith and with intellectualism and explain a few movements with which we associate–and don’t associate.

Our intro music this week is a Vacation Bible School classic.

2 thoughts on “The Christian Humanist Podcast, Episode #141: The Christian Humanist Podcast”
  1. Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life …” (John 6:68) Professor Farmer – you have a wonderful testimony.  Thank you for sharing your story with us.

    And thanks to all three Christian Humanists for another edifying podcast.  I thoroughly delight in the Christianity I get to experience on the CHP and the blog.  May God continue to bless you in your CHP labors.

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