- Note: This is our first transcontinental podcast, and there’s some noise and feedback we couldn’t get rid of. Thanks for sticking with us!
- Introductions
- Congratulations Shelah and Shawn!
- A little bit about parenting and families
- What is Christian Feminist Parenting?
- Intentional parenting: direct instruction and modeling
- Context and nuance
- Compassion and assuming the best in people as seeking the face of God
- Tempering culturally constructed expectations
- Raising children to be responsible for themselves in a sinful world
- Girlhood and bullying
- Christian Feminist Parenting Choices
- Pink and princesses
- “Popular culture is going to happen,” so let’s think critically about it in age-appropriate ways.
- http://givenbreath.com/2013/09/03/fyi-if-youre-a-teenage-girl/
- http://natepyle.com/seeing-a-woman/
- Moderation and examining culturally constructed standards of beauty
- Harry Potter is basically Jesus, or, why you shouldn’t just ban things no questions asked.
- To Halloween or not to Halloween?
- Picking your battles as a Christian: When standing up becomes ethnocentrism
- Christian bullying and Evangelistic peer pressure
- http://cbmw.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/05-Markos-Article.pdf
- Simple dichotomies don’t fit complex human beings well.
- The fallacy of the excluded middle
- http://www.patheos.com/blogs/lovejoyfeminism/2014/01/sorry-gentlemen-this-homeschooled-girls-a-feminist.html
Passing On
- American Indian: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQdTd2Ii3jY
- The West Wing
- http://brandonsanderson.com/books/the-stormlight-archive/the-way-of-kings/
- http://www.amazon.com/Educating-All-Gods-Children-Can/dp/1587433273
So why wouldn’t the Christian Humanists approve of social-justice sorts of things again? 😛
ngilmour Shelah said that, not me 🙂
Well? Shelah?