Christian Humanist Profiles Episode 112: The Triumph of Empire
Download or stream this episode “In the early part of the 20th century, in Decline of the West Oswald Spengler suggested that like all organic creatures, nations progress through a…
Philosophy, Theology, Literature, and Other Things Human Beings Do Well
Download or stream this episode “In the early part of the 20th century, in Decline of the West Oswald Spengler suggested that like all organic creatures, nations progress through a…
God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life, Evangelical. You’ve accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, been born again, and washed in the blood! So…
Augustine of Hippo was one of the Fathers of Western Christianity, a Doctor of the Church. No theologian was more widely revered in medieval Europe, and his thought continues to…
Download or stream this episode From the Fall of man and exile from the Garden to the present day, the people of God have had to think about how to…
The difference between Eastern and Western traditions of Christianity is made visible by many marks, but none more distinctly than the Eastern icon. Their regular visual style, following ancient and…
Download this Episode In one of The Wire’s many memorable scenes, the older and more seasoned Vinson has a caution for the young gangster Marlo Stanfield as he aspires to…
Download or stream this episode One way we might look at church history is as a series of clarifications of Christian belief and practice. In fourth and fifth centuries we…
“I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are…
For a while now, there’s been in American Evangelicalism a growing sense that not all is well, that we have drifted, that we have lost touch with our world and…
Science fiction is driven, not by rockets or lasers or robots, but by wonder. The vastness of space, the mystery of the shattered atom, the possibilities of technology—all push the…
Ora et labora: Pray and work. This directive has ordered the life of Benedictine monastics for centuries, each day’s rhythm of worship and toil shaping the soul toward love and…
On August 28, 430 AD, as a Vandal army lay in siege around his beloved city, Bishop Augustine of Hippo Regius died and left Christendom a legacy. In the centuries…
Before the wars in Middle-earth, before the battles of Narnia, there was a war in Europe—the Great War, the war to end war, that fell tragically short of that dream…
For most American Evangelicals, monasticism is a closed book, little understood, and appreciated even less. Yet throughout most of Christian history, East and West, and even today, monasticism has been…
In the early second century, Pliny, the governor of the Roman province of Pontus and Bithynia, wrote a letter to his emperor, Trajan, about Christians who “were accustomed to meet…