Booklets of Nature, Ep. 2: Falcon Heavy
On February 6, 2018, between 1:30pm and 4:30pm EST, SpaceX plans to launch its Falcon Heavy launch vehicle for the first time, after having successfully tested the rocket in a January…
Philosophy, Theology, Literature, and Other Things Human Beings Do Well
On February 6, 2018, between 1:30pm and 4:30pm EST, SpaceX plans to launch its Falcon Heavy launch vehicle for the first time, after having successfully tested the rocket in a January…
Michial Farmer talks with Todd Pedlar and Nathan Gilmour about the long tradition of non-violent resistance to the world’s powers, starting with Jesus and wrapping up with a conversation on…
In this episode – recorded in the summer of 2017 – Todd, Charles, and Dan discuss the recently resurgent Flat Earth concept, focusing in on the model itself, its difficulties…
Download or Stream this Episode In America, we specialize in having strong feelings about everything and knowing something about a few things. The Bible might be what taught us to…
KNOWING Background on the show Crowdfunding the Miss Fisher movie READING Feminism & gender in Miss Fisher Elizabeth ‘Mac’ MacMillan (Episode 1:10, ‘Death by Miss Adventure’) Modern morality in a…
“Like dazzling lights the churches were now shining all over the world, and to the limits of the human race faith in our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ was at…
Recorded in late May 2017, in this episode of Book of Nature, your hosts grapple with what it means to be sentient – to have a conscious existence. Subjects of…
David Grubbs talks with Michial Farmer and Nathan Gilmour about the recent essay “How Podcasting Hurts Preaching” from Christianity Today.
Download or Stream this Episode Coyle and Ed talk about the highs and lows of 2017. Mentioned in the Episode: New York Magazine article on Fire and Fury Fire and Fury…
Knowing The origins and erasures of #metoo #churchtoo and what it means to us as Christian Feminists “The Laugh of the Medusa” and our current moment Reading The Laugh of…
Download or stream this episode In this episode, Coyle Neal of the City of Man podcast interviews Keith Getty on the state of music in the modern church and on…
Stream or download this episode. Visit the Before They Were Live website. Josh Altmanshofer and Michial Farmer talk about 1943’s The Three Caballeros, the first truly bad Disney animated feature.