City of Man, Episode 49: The Nashville Statement
Download or Stream this Episode Coyle and Ed chat with Andrew Walker, Director of Policy Studies for the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission about the Nashville Statement on human sexuality.…
Philosophy, Theology, Literature, and Other Things Human Beings Do Well
Download or Stream this Episode Coyle and Ed chat with Andrew Walker, Director of Policy Studies for the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission about the Nashville Statement on human sexuality.…
Michial Farmer talks with David Grubbs and Nathan Gilmour about T.S. Eliot’s essay “The Idea of a Christian Society.” This episode comes to you live from the Culture, Criticism, and…
Download or Stream this Episode Everyone’s talking Luther these days, and the stories we tell show the world about ourselves as much as they do about the Augusinian monk from…
Knowing Women who have run for high offices in the US How the US compares to the rest of the world when it comes to female leaders Reading Why…
Nathan Gilmour talks with David Grubbs and Michial Farmer about Plato’s brief dialogue “Ion.”
Back from a break for our penultimate episode of season 3, Sam and I surveyed a variety of Protestant Reformations, both magisterial (Calvin’s Geneva, the Church of England) and radical…
Michial Farmer talks with David Grubbs and Nathan Gilmour about Gadamer’s essay “The Universality of the Hermeneutical Problem.”
Download or Stream this Episode Coyle sits down with the attorney, Jon Whitehead to talk about the recent Trinity Lutheran Supreme Court case. Mentioned in the Episode The Trinity Lutheran opinion The Trinity…
In 590 AD, seven years before Augustine of Canterbury would venture over to Britain, St. Columban crossed the channel the other direction to Gaul. Columban was an Irish monk, a…
Knowing Why we like Season 1 Allusions and nostalgia Reading Three female characters in three film genres Joyce: conspiracy Nancy: from John Hughes to John Carpenter Eleven: Spielberg-esque kids’ adventure…
Download or Stream this Episode Free Online Translations of 1 Clement David Grubbs leads Michial Farmer and Nathan Gilmour on a walk through 1 Clement, a first-century Christian epistle from Rome…
Is the Protestant principle of sola scriptura antithetical to Christian unity? That’s the argument of Catholic historian Brad Gregory, in his newest book: “Though it liberated evangelicals from the Roman Church, [“scripture alone”]…