Reading: Bluey has 3 seasons released in America. We will be discussing a few of the specific episodes related to motherhood specifically. If there were three men on this podcast, they would probably pick different episodes for fatherhood.
Sleepytime – an realistic ideal version of motherhood, does their sleep habits match you family’s now?
Sticky Gecko – the constant rush and children not understanding why
Baby Race – all the feels, mom guilt, comparison is the thief of joy
Sheepdog – sometimes you just need 20 minutes (Wendy – it takes a village)
Most children’s shows are either for girls or boys, how does Bluey get around that?
As a parent, do you feel you have learned anything from the show?
What legitimate criticism can we have for the show?
Any episodes where you really disagree with the premise? (Omelet)
Any crazy fan theories we want to share with the listeners before we go? (Chili purposefully set up Rad and Frisky)
Passing on:
Katie: The Backyardigans (on Noggin, originally aired in the US on Nick Jr.); French kids’ series Simon (available on Netflix)
Jessica: True Spirit on Netflix – true story of a teenager who sailed solo around the world (tumbleleaf)
Sara: Spy Family anime – an ode to the nuclear family