For a while now, there’s been in American Evangelicalism a growing sense that not all is well, that we have drifted, that we have lost touch with our world and ourselves. In our time, as in other times of instability, Jeremiahs have emerged, calling us “to ask for the old paths” (Jer. 6:16)—to seek the good way forward in the Church’s bright past. Which past is appealed to depends on the Jeremiah: the Church of Acts, or of the Reformation, or of camp meetings and sawdust trails. One “old path” that often goes unrecommended is that of the Christian Middle Ages. After all, for many self-conscious Protestants, the Middle Ages were when things went wrong! In his book, Medieval Wisdom for Modern Christians, Chris Armstrong wants to counter that common notion. Instead, he thinks modern Evangelicals, with the aid of their old friend C.S. Lewis, can discover in medieval Christianity a rich heritage, including remedies for theirs vices and roots for their virtues. In this episode of Christian Humanist Profiles, David Grubbs interviews Dr. Chris Armstrong, director of Opus: the Art of Work (at Wheaton College) and author of Medieval Wisdom for Modern Christians: Finding Authentic Faith in a Forgotten Age with C.S. Lewis (Brazos Press, 2016).

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