Armstrong, Medieval Wisdom for Modern Christians

On the newest episode of The Pietist Schoolman Podcast, Sam and I put the Reformation on hold for a moment to consider the Christianity that lies on the other side of 1517: the faith of the Middle Ages.

Featured Book

Chris R. Armstrong, Medieval Wisdom for Modern Christians: Finding Authentic Faith in a Forgotten Age with C.S. Lewis (Brazos, 2016)

Other Readings

Chris’ original blog series on “Medieval Wisdom for Modern Protestants,” Grateful to the dead, 2009-2016

David Grubbs interviewed Chris last October for an episode of Christian Humanist Profiles

C.S. Lewis, The Discarded Image: An Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance Literature (1964)

Beth Allison Barr, “Top Ten Bible Verses in Medieval England,” The Anxious Bench, May 3, 2017

By the way, the music we’ll be using this season comes from the catalog of J.S. Bach pieces performed by Professor James Kibbie on Baroque-era organs in Germany — and available on the Free Music Archive: (both CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)

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