Christian Humanist Profiles 139: Honey of Souls
In the early 6th century, darkness was falling on the Rome’s Western Empire. Old Rome was waning, barbarians sat on the imperial throne, and smouldering tension with the Byzantine Eastern…
Philosophy, Theology, Literature, and Other Things Human Beings Do Well
In the early 6th century, darkness was falling on the Rome’s Western Empire. Old Rome was waning, barbarians sat on the imperial throne, and smouldering tension with the Byzantine Eastern…
Theology of the Old Testament: Testimony, Dispute, Advocacy God-Verbs The Gospel of Plurality Theological Dialectics My Creatio ex Nihilo Copout First to the Jews, then to the Nations Mediation and Dispute and Authority It’s All…
Revised Common Lectionary Page for 20 October 2013 (Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost, Year C) Jeremiah 31:27-34 and Psalm 119:97-104 • Genesis 32:22-31 and Psalm 121 • 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5 • Luke 18:1-8 When a passage in the Bible leaves us…
Revised Common Lectionary Page for 27 March 2011 (Third Sunday of Lent, Year A) Exodus 17:1-7 •Psalm 95 •Romans 5:1-11 •John 4:5-42 I remember a palpable disappointment when I learned…
Revised Common Lectionary Page for 5 December 2010 (Second Sunday of Advent, Year A) Isaiah 11:1-10 • Psalm 72:1-7, 18-19 • Romans 15:4-13 • Matthew 3:1-12 There was a…
Who Really Goes to Hell?: The Gospel You’ve Never Heard: What a Protestant Bible written by Jews says about God’s work through Christ: A book for those in the church…
Revised Common Lectionary Page for 21 March 2010 (Fifth Sunday of Lent, Year C) Isaiah 43:16-21 • Psalm 126 • Philippians 3:4b-14 • John 12:1-8 What do jackals and owls and dragons and…