The Christian Humanist Podcast, Episode 294: Philoctetes
Stream or download this episode. Nathan Gilmour talks to Michial Farmer and David Grubbs’s about Sophocles’s lesser-known play Philoctetes.
Philosophy, Theology, Literature, and Other Things Human Beings Do Well
Stream or download this episode. Nathan Gilmour talks to Michial Farmer and David Grubbs’s about Sophocles’s lesser-known play Philoctetes.
Stream or download this episode. It today’s episode, Coyle talks to Hunter Baker about Jordan Peterson’s politics and the new book Myth and Meaning in Jordan Peterson.
Download or Stream this Episode In academic philosophy over the last century or so, the various thinkers in French and German and Slovenian traditions, even those who do not live…
Download or stream this episode In this episode, Victoria, Marie, Katie, and Sarah discuss theories of Christian sexual ethics from Nadia Bolz-Weber and Lisa Sowle Cahill. Knowing Why this episode…
Stream or download this episode. David Grubbs talks to Nathan Gilmour and Michial Farmer about N.T. Wright’s recent Time editorial, “Christianity Offers No Answers About the Coronavirus.”
Stream or download this episode. In today’s episode, Jordan Poss and David Grubbs talk with Coyle about the second book in C.S. Lewis’s Space Trilogy, Perelandra.
Download or Stream this Episode Biblical Studies can’t seem to figure out what to do with the Greeks. One voice warns against Platonizing influences on Christian theology, and another calls…
Stream or download this episode. Michial Farmer discusses Sofia Coppola’s film Marie Antoinette with Nathan Gilmour and replacement Grubbs Katie Grubbs.
Stream or download this episode. In today’s episode, after a few minutes of very dated banter, Danny, Michial, and Coyle get down to the business of talking about Country Music’s…
Download or Stream this Episode When we read the New Testament, its epistles and narratives and apocalyptic visions give us a vivid picture of life, the world, a cosmic mission. …
Stream or download this episode. Special guest host Todd Pedlar, of The Book of Nature, talks to Michial Farmer and David Grubbs about William Wordsworth’s 1798 poem “Lines Composed a…
Stream or download this episode. As the number of religiously affiliated Westerners continues to decline, we might be tempted to say that the United States and other Western countries are…
Stream or download this episode. Visit our website. Josh and Michial talk about the 29th full-length animated Disney feature, 1990’s The Rescuers Down Under.