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In the eighth episode of our Ancient Asides miniseries, Coyle and Jordan talk about the early church in the Roman Empire from 150-300AD
Readings from the Episode:
- The DaVinci Code (yes, that one)
- Helena by Evelyn Waugh
- 4th Eclogue by Virgil
- Patrick’s Bad Analogies by Lutheran Satire
- Popular Patristics Series (especially Cyprian on the Church)
- Classics of Western Spirituality, Origen
- Heresy by Alister McGrath
- Heretics for Armchair Theologians, Story of Christianity, and the Profiles Interview with Justo Gonzalez
- The Christians as the Romans Saw Them and The Spirit of Early Christian Thought by Robert Louis Wilken
- The Early Church and Early Christian Thought and the Classics Tradition by Henry Chadwick
- History of the Christian Church volumes I and II by Philip Schaff