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Everyone’s talking Luther these days, and the stories we tell show the world about ourselves as much as they do about the Augusinian monk from half a millennium ago.  Is Luther our great champion of conscience?  The forerunner of modern secularism?  The father of modern mass literacy?  The guy who gave us Donald Trump?  There’s something to each of these–some more than others–and this week on Christian Humanist Profiles, we’re going to hear from Andrea Grosso-Ciponte and Dacia Palmerino about their recent graphic biography of Martin Luther, Renegade.

This episode is going to be a bit different from most: at their request, we let the artists record their answers to my written questions ahead of time, so my speaking the questions happened several days after their answering the questions.  Normally I prefer an interview with the promise of conversation, but I do try to respect the wishes of those whom I interview, so please enjoy this unconventional interview over Renegade: Martin Luther, the Graphic Biography.

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