The Christian Humanist Podcast, Episode #201: The Praise of Folly
Download or stream this episode Nathan Gilmour leads David Grubbs and Michial Farmer in a discussion of Desiderius Erasmus’s mock-encomium The Praise of Folly.
Philosophy, Theology, Literature, and Other Things Human Beings Do Well
Download or stream this episode Nathan Gilmour leads David Grubbs and Michial Farmer in a discussion of Desiderius Erasmus’s mock-encomium The Praise of Folly.
MacQuarrie has been interested from the very beginning of Principles of Christian Theology in the ability or inability of human language to express the experiences and revelations that make up…
I bought Principles of Christian Theology in 2007, when I was working on my master’s thesis and made it my business to own as many volumes of Christian existentialist literature…
Danny Anderson leads a conversation with Nathan Gilmour and Michial Farmer about Kenneth Burke’s essay “Terministic Screens.”
Certain philosophers shake up the world with a new frame of reference, a new central question, a new way to proceed in doing philosophy. In the twentieth century Martin Heidegger…
David Grubbs leads a discussion with Nathan Gilmour and Michial Farmer about what makes our podcast a particularly Christian endeavor. We also give our personal histories with the faith and…
A few months ago, I got into an argument with a friend of mine about Google’s new driverless car. I’m much less optimistic about technology than he is, and I…
General Introduction – Our special guest – Listener feedback – I dream of The Christian Humanist Podcast – C.S. Lewis and universalism – In which we explain pop culture to…
General Introduction – A bunch of listener feedback – Nathan defends the dark ages – Is country music rural? – More on metamodernism – Signifying rappers with David Foster Wallace…
General Introduction – Listener feedback – Episodes on Borges and Postman? Arête – Excellence and/or virtue – Warriors and excellences – Plato’s expansion of arête – Confucian virtue – Arête…
General Introduction – Listener feedback – The Christian Feminist Podcast Beginning with Grammar – Reflection of essential being – The trouble with the term – Self-concept and projected self –…
With the brief history of hermeneutical thinking in the book, Gadamer turns in this section of Truth and Method to constructing a hermeneutics that takes seriously the thrown-and-projected nature of…
Husserl brought the entire notion of the given—so important for German idealism—into question; in so doing, he moved beyond Dilthey, at least to a certain extent. In fact, an…
Gadamer’s analysis of aesthetics will be oriented around the notion of play, but he wants to liberate the concept from the subjective bearing that it finds in the work of…
General Introduction – A month of decimals – What’s David teaching? John Donne and Death – Does he appeal to the bodily resurrection? – Quippiness, chipperness – Taking death seriously…