Christian Feminist Podcast Episode 168: Women in Ministry

Moderator: Carla Godwin

Panelists: Rev. Emily Payne, Victoria Reynolds Farmer

  1. Intro: Hello and welcome to Episode #167 (oops! It’s really episode 168) of the Christian Feminist Podcast. I’m your Moderator Carla Godwin and with me today are Victoria Reynolds Farmer and a guest Panelist Reverend Emily Payne. Hello, Names. Let’s introduce ourselves for any listeners that are new to the program. (Start with panelists and end with moderator: name, relevant education, whatever else you want to share)
  2. This episode will take a slightly different approach. Typically we use a text/show/movie of some kind to discuss a topic. Today we’ll use our stories/experiences. As I said we have a guest panelist, Emily Payne, who is Priest in Charge at the Anglican Parish of Northern Albury, Australia. Emily has been a listener for a few years. She wrote in wondering if we could do an episode on women in leadership in the church. As an Anglican priest some of those questions were related to Victoria’s conversation to Catholicism. We thought it would be interesting to put these two perspectives into direct conversation. The goal is not argument but contrast and dialogue. This’ll be a panel kind of conversation. I’ll moderate and Victoria and Emily will be our experts.
  3. Where does your faith story start? 
  4. What did you learn about women in leadership in the church? 
  5. What’s your current church affiliation? Their beliefs about women in leadership? 
  6. Anglican/Catholic Church Experiences
    1. Victoria: 
      1. History of women in the Catholic church
      2. Current stance on women
      3. Your experience
    2. Emily: 
      1. History of women in the Anglican church
      2. Current stance on women
      3. Your experience
  7. What is the future of women in leadership in the/your church?
  8. Pass it on: What should our listeners read? 
    1. Victoria’s Reading recommendations:
      2. Thehippiecatholic on TikTok or Instagram 
    2. Carla’s Recommendation: Mary Magdalene (2018) – IMDb

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