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In Professing English, his history of English as an academic discipline and a university department, Gerald Graff claims that departmental boundaries are the fortifications of wars that the living have forgotten, along with the valiant dead who fought them. Thus only those who know some history know why written and spoken rhetoric are matters for different departments or why “theory” means a particular range of things in an English department that differ substantially from what they mean in a physics department. Christology is something like that: as a new Christian I was taught to say that “Christ is fully human and fully God” and that “Jesus died for our sins,” but until I learned some history, I didn’t know the questions to which those stand as answers. As each generation approaches theological work, the questions don’t stand still, and Tripp Fuller’s new book Divine Investment: An Open and Relational Constructive Christology takes as its business posing questions for disciples of Jesus Christ in our moment. As always, Christian Humanist Profiles is glad to have Tripp on the show to talk about this latest book.