-Why this topic?
Background on the Sarah Hopkins Bradford biography of Harriet; why we read it and not a more recent biography
-Harriet’s childhood
-Harriet’s head injury and subsequent headaches/seizures, which is related to….
-Her visions and prophetic messages from God
-Harriet and the Underground Railroad
-Harriet’s Civil War service
-Her suffragist activism
Passing On
Katie: Carole Boston Weatherford’s children’s book Moses: When Harriet Tubman Led Her People to Freedom https://www.amazon.com/Moses-Harriet-Tubman-Freedom-Caldecott/dp/0786851759
Ilia: Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls and Shift7 has compiled a great resource for more information on women of color who worked as abolitionists, voting rights activists, civil rights leaders, and more.
Victoria: Underground S2 Ep6, “Minty” (Available on Hulu and Vimeo) Review: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vox.com/platform/amp/culture/2017/4/16/15300214/underground-wgn-minty-recap-harriet-tubman-aisha-hinds