Katie Grubbs and Leah Henning discuss Terry Pratchett’s novel Wyrd Sisters.
-Brief bio of Terry Pratchett
-Our past experiences with Pratchett
-Brief background on Wyrd Sisters: where does it fit in the Pratchett canon?
-Very brief plot summary of Wyrd Sisters
-Question 1: This book is an obvious Shakespearean adaptation, so where are places in the novel that we see Shakespeare?
-Question 2: What feminist ideas/representations do we spot in this novel?
-Question 3: Thinking about the “Christian” side of Christian feminist, what value do we see for Christians in reading novels by confirmed secular humanists like Pratchett?
Katie: Akira Kurosawa’s Throne of Blood; Pratchett’s Tiffany Aching books
Leah: Shakespeare’s Macbeth; “Was Terry Pratchett a Feminist?”
I just stumbled upon your podcast about Wyrd Sisters and it is the most enjoyable discussion of Terry Pratchett philosophy that I have had the pleasure of listening to in a long time.
I would love you to look at more of his books from a Christian/ historical/ feminist point of view.
Thank you for taking the time and id love to hear your views on more of his books if you find the time.
Z (from the chalk, england)
Thanks so much for your kind words, Zena! It’s always a joy to find others who appreciate the genius of Pratchett’s work. We’ll work on exploring some more of his stuff in the future.