C.O. Rosenius preaching

If you’ve been waiting for Mark — one of the best preachers I know — to talk about preaching and proclamation, this episode is for you.

If you’ve been waiting for Sam to help us think through the importance of Christians taking up what Krista Tippett calls a “ministry of listening,” this episode is also for you.

And if you’ve been thinking to yourself for days now, “I sure hope Chris has more to say about Donald Trump than the 2,700+ words he scribbled last week at his blog,” then yes, this episode — for no discernibly logical reason — is for you. Get it on iTunes, Feedburner, etc.

Finally, if you just can’t wait to speak your mind before we wrap up season 2… Well, everything’s coming up [insert your name]!

Because we’re going to dedicate next Thursday’s season finale to listener feedback (with maybe a few closing thoughts of our own). Just write in here, at my blog, on our Facebook page, or via my email with any thoughts on this episode or anything else we’ve talked about this season. It’s your last opportunity to shape our book before we write it!

Hey, and if you’ve enjoyed it: please take a minute to leave a rating on iTunes, to help more people find our little podcast and learn about our book!

Further listening and reading:

Image: Carl Olof Rosenius, leader of the Swedish evangelical revival of the mid-19th century and editor of Pietisten, preaching in Stockholm’s Bethlehem Church – Wikimedia

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