Wooden cross inscribed, "Jesus is risen"

If we consult the Holy Scriptures we can have no doubt that God promised his church here on earth a better state than this.

Philipp Jakob Spener (1675)

Given all the problems we discussed in our previous episode, why should Christians today join Pietists like Spener in holding out “hope for better times” — for the church, but also for the world?

This week Mark, Sam, and I discussed the nature of Christian hope (including its grounding in the Resurrection, its relationship to faith and love, and whether it’s this-worldly, other-worldly, or both) and why it’s distinct from secular hopes (including political expressions — on left and right — and the kind of self-exonerating historical progressivism that Ta-Nehisi Coates has criticized).

Further reading:

You can download this and all episodes of The Pietist Schoolman Podcast at iTunes.

Image Credit: Wikimedia/CC BY 2.0 C.G.P. Grey

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