The Christian Humanists respond to listener emails. woman-reading-a-letter-woman-in-blue-reading-a-letter-300x300

[0:00] An announcement from David Grubbs!
[5:05] Why Christian Existentialism? [9:12] Kierkegaard and Christendom
[17:41] John McAdams and academic freedom
[27:09] More holy fools
[30:15] Episode suggestions
[35:43] John Adams insults / Thomas Jefferson and the French Revolution. Also, Assassin’s Creed
[39:58] The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (and Fuller House)
[42:34] Young-earth creationism
[55:16] A child’s Dream of the Rood
[56:46] Half-Handed Cloud and Rex Stout
[59:01] The Noble Savage in Star Wars
[1:07:41] Funding our educations
[1:24:25] More Dream of the Rood
[1:26:40] Paradise Lost editions
[1:28:35] Rene Girard
[1:30:03] Donations?
[1:33:16] Did the podcast get us our jobs?
[1:35:57] Our new web design
[1:37:07] Separating Christianity from fundamentalism

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5 thoughts on “The Christian Humanist Podcast, Episode #163: Listener Feedback”
  1. Yes, when I said cars, I meant the vehicle, not the Pixar movie. I was thinking particularly of their evolving place over time in American culture and imagination (though come to think of it, I guess David and Nathan wouldn’t have much expertise there), not the mechanics of how they work. I’m glad you liked some of my other suggestions though!
    For Dostoevsky’s major works, what about Demons/Devils/The Possessed (the name varies depending on which translation)? I think it’s about as good as The Idiot at least. Both are somewhat scattered and messy in their plotting and not as focused as his best books, but often brilliant nonetheless.

  2. As for the new look – well, it’s certainly more streamlined and mobile-friendly, and it also looks very similar to a lot of other sites. There’s a part of me that’s sad that the look of websites has standardized and homogenized in the last few years to accomodate mobile development and other frameworks. But maybe that’s just the change-resistant curmudgeon side of me griping.

  3. (Sorry for so many separate comments…) 
    Regarding Kierkegaard – his hyper-individualism is one thing that bothers me every time I try to read Fear and Trembling or Sickness Unto Death (I have both in a combined volume, but have never finished either – Sickness especially is hard to understand!) Maybe this emphasis on the individual was necessary in Kierkegaard’s day where the choices were Hegelianism or an ossified state church, but in today’s America I’m not sure how helpful it is.
    I liked your comments on fundamentalism. A common trend on the internet I’ve seen is for “post-evangelical” types to congratulate themselves on how bold and counter-cultural they are, while their viewpoint on almost everything is basically a Christianized version of a different segment of mainstream culture. There’s a very real danger for evangelicalism to become absorbed in a right-wing subculture that is unhealthy for Christianity, but it can happen on the left too, just in a different way.

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