Is being a good person necessary to do good science? Can doing good science make one a good person? Can doing good science make one a good Christian? Charles Hackney leads a discussion on the scientific virtues, based on the article Virtue and the Scientist by Jiin-Yu Chen.


Opening banter

Listener feedback

Virtue ethics and Alasdair MacIntyre

What is the telos of science?

What are the scientific virtues?

How doing good science empowers individual flourishing

Scientific virtues and the Christian life

One thought on “The Book of Nature Podcast, Episode #6: Scientific Virtues”
  1. I’m enjoying the discussion!  Since I’ve picked on Nathan for the same problem, I note that the plural of τέλος (telos) is not τέλοι (teloi) but τέλη (telé, pronounced normally “teh-lay”).  In grammatical terms, it’s a third declension neuter noun, not a second declension masculine. (So λόγος –> λόγοι [logos–> logoi] in the plural, but τέλος –> τέλη [telos –>telé]).

    If you get the plural of τέλος (telos) right, you’re bound to impress your classicist friends! (Do note that this mistake is rather common, even in scholarly fields outside of classics proper).

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