Millennials in General?
Rachel Held Evans, “Why Millennials are Leaving the Church” (CNN Belief Blog) Folks who have been along for the ride will know that sometimes I find Rachel Held Evans insightful,…
Philosophy, Theology, Literature, and Other Things Human Beings Do Well
Rachel Held Evans, “Why Millennials are Leaving the Church” (CNN Belief Blog) Folks who have been along for the ride will know that sometimes I find Rachel Held Evans insightful,…
You can generally count on me to look for the historical conditions that surround anything interesting, so Gadamer’s section of Truth and Method on the concept of language immediately pleased…
General Introduction – A busy summer – How we spent our summer vacations – Three big announcements The Middle Ages and Antiquity – The Decline and Fall of the Roman…
Conversation is a funny thing; though we sometimes speak of the participants in a conversation “directing it,” in fact the conversation seems to direct itself, seems to be something experienced…
The Christian Humanist Podcast is in the process of migrating to a new web host. In the next few days, you might not be able to download podcast episodes. Fear…
The problem with which the previous section (307-341) of Truth and Method ends is truly compelling, if one breaks down the problem as a (simplified) syllogism: Hermeneutics, as a practice,…
Once upon a time, hermeneutics conceived of understanding as involving two processes: understanding and interpretation, to which Pietism added a third, application. The great advance of the Romantics is…