Think by John Piper, free on christianaudio

I know I’ve heard buzz about John Piper (some good and some bad), but I’ve not actually read him, so this offer interests me.  At, for the month of October, you can download a free copy of Piper’s book Think.

I don’t know whether I’ll review the book or not here (my book reviews generally involve copious notes scribbled on index cards as I read, and that’s rather dangerous while one is driving down the road listening to an audio book), but I’ll certainly give it a listen for free.

2 thoughts on “Free John Piper audio book”
  1. If you are under any time pressure at all then I wouldn’t make this a priority. No I haven’t heard “Think” but I have received and read a free promotional book by Piper.
    Copies of the book “Don’t Waster your Life” was initially
    I requested and received that book free as part of its initial promotional launch.

    The message of the is that many Christians waste their lives by failing to obey God instead pursuing worldly success or pleasure. Instead Christians should do things that have eternal value. Do you agree? If so you don’t need to read the book because that is all it says.

    What it doesn’t do is to articulate or even try to articulate that what is of eternal value. One could infer from it that only full time missionaries and “pastors” by which Piper rather incoherently means teachers live lives of eternal value. But no discernible argument is advanced.
    Piper says nothing about how one can pursue a fuller, richer life. I didn’t pay for the book but still felt the price of my time was too high.

    You might think that I am reacting to Piper’s Calvinism but I read the book some time before arriving at my current view of Calvinism. But there was none of the theoretical apparatus of Calvinism in use because there was no theory.

    Reasoning by analogy I suspect that this another sermon series turned into media product. If you really have time to engage with Piper you may want to ask around to see what he was written that has any intellectual weight since he certainly produces books with no intellectual weight at all.

  2. Sigh.

    Not sure how the first two paragraphs of my comments became so mangled. Its difficult to blame the tech because apparently it just does exactly what we tell it to do. Summary, I received a free copy of “Don’t Waster Your Life” by John Piper.

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