What should we call you on the air?
Alright, so there hasn’t been a lectionary post or a links post for a couple weeks. Mea culpa on one of those, and dos culpas (yes, I know that construction…
Philosophy, Theology, Literature, and Other Things Human Beings Do Well
Alright, so there hasn’t been a lectionary post or a links post for a couple weeks. Mea culpa on one of those, and dos culpas (yes, I know that construction…
General Introduction – NERD ALERT – The status of the forum – What’s on the blog? – We attack Robert Harrison Christians in American Political History – Lack of a…
The album Nevermind by Nirvana and the album Blood Sugar Sex Magik by the Red Hot Chili Peppers hit the music stores. (For our younger readers, “music stores” were retail locations where…
I don’t talk much about my music career/hobby on the podcast or the blog, but I’m swallowing my resistance to self-promotion to mention that I have recorded a new single…
General Introduction – On professors and assistants – Prairie dogs – What’s on the blog? – More on Chris Gehrz, pietism, and education – The Christian Humanist Forum—coming soon! Our…
I have to offer a mea culpa this week–I’m preaching in Emmanuel College’s convocation service on Tuesday (tomorrow), and the time that normally I’d devote to writing a lectionary post…
Misunderstood jobs, from A-Z. What would an American theocracy actually look like? A friendly reminder from Kevin DeYoung. Proof that the youth are revolting. The liberals weigh in on what’s…
The Devil Wears Nada: Satan Exposed! by Tripp York 164 pp. Cascade Books, $19.00 I’ve said and written this before, and I still believe it’s true: if you want…
As many of our readers know, this is my first semester teaching at a Christian college, and I find myself less prepared than I expected to be. I am mostly…
General Introduction – Comparing offices – What’s on the blog? – Listener feedback – Punching the tar baby Absalom, Absalom! – The roots of civil war in incest – Popular…
Revised Common Lectionary Page for 18 September 2011 (14th Sunday after Pentecost, Year A) Exodus 16:2-15 and Psalm 105:1-6, 37-45 • Jonah 3:10-4:11 and Psalm 145:1-8 • Philippians 1:21-30 • Matthew 20:1-16 I…
Yes, I know we’re stretching now. And the title is all Nathan Gilmour’s fault. Eight decidedly rotten sermon introductions Yet another insightful lecture on political philosophy from Patrick Deneen Chris…
“The T-Shirt Aristocracy” by David Schantz This little piece appeared in The Christian Standard, my tradition’s weekly magazine, a few weeks ago, but I’ve just now taken the time to…
General Introduction – Is Nathan a Quaker? – What’s on the blog? – How to read the Great Books on your own Historicize! Historicize! – Where did the Renaissance leave…
Revised Common Lectionary Page for 11 September 2011 (13th Sunday after Pentecost, Year A) Exodus 14:19-31 and Psalm 114 or Exodus 15:1b-11, 20-21 • Genesis 50:15-21 and Psalm 103:(1-7), 8-13 • Romans…