(Yeah, I’m proud of that title.)
- Who should determine the course of Christian theology–pastors or professors? (I guess no one’s arguing for bloggers or, um, English teachers.)
- A model for the new literary humanism.
- Leo Tolstoy’s descendants and fans want the Russian Orthodox Church to reverse his excommunication.
- Resisting Glenn Beck (or the Glenn Beck function) in a Foucaultian wonderland.
- Bringing some humility back to Aristotelian logic.
- Someone tell us how to feel about the “n-word-free” Huck Finn. (Farmer will: IT’S A TERRIBLE IDEA, AND PEOPLE WHO DON’T UNDERSTAND WHY SHOULDN’T BE ISSUED LIBRARY CARDS.)
- Why a strict Constitutionalism isn’t a good idea.
- Ilya Nyzhnyk makes me sick. (The Oskiper triplets also make me sick.)
- When is it okay to support terrorist groups in public?
- Grammar watch: On verbing nouns.
- John McWhorter on Zora Neale Hurston as a model for black conservatives.
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