For anyone who’s interested, I have an article (“William Faulkner’s Failed Augustine”) in the current issue of The Explicator (January-March 2010). Here’s the webpage. But if you want to read…
Philosophy, Theology, Literature, and Other Things Human Beings Do Well
For anyone who’s interested, I have an article (“William Faulkner’s Failed Augustine”) in the current issue of The Explicator (January-March 2010). Here’s the webpage. But if you want to read…
Today, the third of February, is feast day of St. Laurence (Laurentius) of Canterbury. He was an early figure of the branch of Christendom we might style “Germanic”: St. Laurence,…
Revised Common Lectionary readings for 7 February 2010 (Epiphany, Year C) Isaiah 6:1-13 Psalm138 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Luke 5:1-11 It’s not hard to affirm or criticize youth ministers’ commonplaces. I…