Another Sorry Excuse for a Lectionary Post
I encourage folks to go to Vanderbilit’s Revised Common Lectionary page for next Sunday and read the texts, but a room full of third- and fourth-graders have already stolen my…
Philosophy, Theology, Literature, and Other Things Human Beings Do Well
I encourage folks to go to Vanderbilit’s Revised Common Lectionary page for next Sunday and read the texts, but a room full of third- and fourth-graders have already stolen my…
SPOILER DISCLAIMER: Out of respect for Hulu watchers, TiVo devotees, Netflix subscribers, and other folks who didn’t watch the Superbowl-length extravaganza on May 23, I’ve waited until now to start…
Revised Common Lectionary Page for 6 June 2010 (Second Sunday after Pentecost, Year C) 1 Kings 17:8-16, (17-24) and Psalm 146 • 1 Kings 17:17-24 and Psalm 30 • Galatians…
SPOILER DISCLAIMER: Out of respect for Hulu watchers, TiVo devotees, and other folks who didn’t watch the Superbowl-length extravaganza on May 23, I’ve waited until now to start writing about…
Who Really Goes to Hell?: The Gospel You’ve Never Heard: What a Protestant Bible written by Jews says about God’s work through Christ: A book for those in the church…
Revised Common Lectionary Readings for 30 May 2010 (Trinity Sunday, Year C) Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31 and Psalm 8 • Romans 5:1-5 • John 16:12-15 The Trinity still makes me nervous. I have no…
Embracing Our Questioners by John Castelein I do like to toot my own tradition’s horn when I can, and The Christian Standard, our weekly publication, last Sunday had this nice…
Revised Common Lectionary Page for 23 May (Pentecost, Year C) Acts 2:1-21 or Genesis 11:1-9 • Psalm 104:24-34, 35b • Romans 8:14-17 or Acts 2:1-21 • John 14:8-17, (25-27) I…
In a recent conversation with fellow Christian Humanist Michial Farmer, I noted a certain paradox about my relationship with Brian McLaren and other public Christian intellectuals who often get labeled…
“Separate Truths” by Stephen Prothero Relationships between traditions are my intellectual bread and butter. When I started studying the various influences of Anglican sacramental life, Presbyterian church polity, Scottish Enlightenment…
Revised Common Lectionary Readings for 1 May 2010 (Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year C) Acts 11:1-18 • Psalm 148 • Revelation 21:1-6 • John 13:31-35 A thousand apologies to our…
The Christian Humanist crew got an email from Ford Seeuws, listener and friend of Michial Farmer, last week, and the questions were interesting enough that I wanted to deal with…
Revised Common Lectionary Page for 25 April 2010 (Fourth Sunday of Easter, Year C) Acts 9:36-43 • Psalm 23 • Revelation 7:9-17 • John 10:22-30 I really should keep track…
After the Christian Humanist Podcast’s episode on sports (available via the RSS feed, if you just click on it…), Sam Mulberry of Bethel University and CWC: The Radio Show emailed…
Revised Common Lectionary Page for 18 April 2009 (Third Sunday of Easter, Year C) Acts 9:1-6, (7-20) •Psalm 30 •Revelation 5:11-14 •John 21:1-19 I’ve been asked to preach not this…