More on Marriage
I keep thinking about marriage lately, especially as I’ve been reading about Søren Kierkegaard, who, depending on how you spin it, is either the institution’s greatest advocate or its greatest…
The Christian Humanist Podcast, Episode 14: Origin Stories
The music this week is Bruce Cockburn’s “Creation Dream,” from Dancing in the Dragon’s Jaws (1979). General Introduction – Reader feedback – What’s on the blog this week? The Genesis…
Why Getting Plato Right Does Matter: A Follow-up on my McLaren Review
Sometimes folks who normally impress me with their breadth of vision and maturity ways of existing in the world slip into frames of mind that I can only call adolescent.…
St. Chad the Pedestrian
So, another week, another feast for an Anglo-Saxon saint: February 2, the Feast of St. Chad. Don’t remember Chad? Oh, surely you recall those obnoxious little flecks of paper in…
The Verse Right Before: A Reflection on the Lectionary Texts for 7 March 2010
Revised Common Lectionary Page for 7 March 2010 (Third Sunday of Lent, Year C) Isaiah 55:1-9 • Psalm 63:1-8 • 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 • Luke 13:1-9 Two of this week’s readings feature some…
Just a Dumb Ol' Conservative Theist
So, as I lazily surfed the internet this morning, I pulled up ScienceDaily, my favorite one-stop-shopping site for scientific news of all sorts. (Yes, I do have scientific interests: technology,…
Currency of Leaves
I can’t come up with anything academic to write about today, so I’m going to do something I very rarely do on this blog or my old one: talk about…
The Christian Humanist Podcast, Episode 13: The Death of Conservatism
We’re back to our standard theme song this week: Neko Case’s “People Got a Lotta Nerve,” from Middle Cyclone (2009). General Introduction – What’s on the blog? – Sam Mulberry…
A Postscript on Dragon-slaying
In case my point was too vague in my post last week about dragon-slaying, this is what I meant.
Seeing Order: Four Random Birthdays
Today, February 24, is the birthday of many people, obviously.* I have selected four whom I find especially interesting for personal reasons. Strangely, however, I see an order among them:…
A Note on Marriage
Last week’s Christ the Center podcast (a show I almost always enjoy but always find something to get angry about) featured an extended interview with Michael Haykin, who has apparently…
The City that Kills Prophets: A Reflection on the Lectionary Readings for 28 February 2010
Revised Common Lectionary Readings for 28 February 2010 (Year C, Lent) Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18 • Psalm 27 • Philippians 3:17-4:1 • Luke 13:31-35 Abraham’s story is one that tempts me towards sloppy thinking…
Of Dragon-slaying and Human Dignity
I’ve always been a sucker for a good monster story. As a boy, I would browse through my parents’ books, especially the encyclopedias, and stop whenever I saw an illustration…
Thy Firmness Makes My Circle Just
On the Road slid into the American canon like a little boy under a garage door, running on pure energy and speed and getting there without anyone really thinking about…
The Christian Humanist Podcast, Episode 12: Tragedy
This week’s music: The Wallflowers’ “6th Avenue Heartache,” from Bringing Down the Horse (1996). General Introduction – Stamps, pogs, and other collections – What’s on the blog this week? –…