While Baptists may profess the unity of God’s Church, we are also Dissenters from way back, ready to die on the hill of our unshakeable convictions. Still, the vision of the Church’s future is the ascent of Mount Zion, as pilgrims of every tribe and tongue converge, the song on their lips, “How good it is to dwell in unity!” In his book Baptists and the Catholic Tradition, Barry Harvey presents what this pilgrimage looks like for Baptists and others of Christ’s divided body, pointing to what draws us together toward the margin of culture and history with our suffering and risen Lord.
In this episode of Christian Humanist Profiles, David Grubbs interviews Dr. Barry Harvey, Professor of Theology in the Honors College at Baylor University and author of Baptists and the Catholic Tradition: Reimagining the Church’s Witness in the Modern World (Baker Academic, 2020).