Christian Humanist Profiles 19: Post-Christian Anxiety
Max Weber’s The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism is one of the most important texts in the history of sociology, and people have been citing it with various…
Philosophy, Theology, Literature, and Other Things Human Beings Do Well
Max Weber’s The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism is one of the most important texts in the history of sociology, and people have been citing it with various…
David Grubbs holds forth with Nathan Gilmour and Michial Farmer about allegory, both as a mode of reading and as a literary genre. The debate hinges on what terms mean…
Michial Farmer leads a discussion with Nathan Gilmour and a very ill David Grubbs on the peculiarly modern ecosystem of suburbia. Listen and hear why we hate American Beauty, what sorts…
Conversation is a funny thing; though we sometimes speak of the participants in a conversation “directing it,” in fact the conversation seems to direct itself, seems to be something experienced…
That’s the end of Season 2, folks. We’ve had a great time doing the show, and we’re glad you listen. We explain our summer plans in the show itself. Keep…