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In the 1980’s, facing the pressure of the feminist movement and the sexual revolution, a group of conservative Protestant pastors and thinkers banded together to champion traditional family and church structures. In 1987, they formed the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood; they published their manifesto, the Danvers Statement, in 1988. The new movement called itself “complementarian,” reflecting a belief that men and women have equal worth but different roles.  In 1991, Crossway published Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood: A Response to Evangelical Feminism, the flagship complementarian text, edited by John Piper and Wayne Grudem. Almost 30 years later, some assert that the biblical manhood and womanhood paradigm has had a harmful effect in our churches. Speaking with Katie Grubbs is author, speaker, blogger, and podcaster Aimee Byrd to discuss her new book, Recovering From Biblical Manhood and Womanhood: How the Church Needs to Rediscover Her Purpose. In it, she issues a call for churches to disciple both men and women toward participating in the Kingdom and passing on our faith to the next generation.

One thought on “Christian Humanist Profiles 195: Recovering From Biblical Manhood and Womanhood”
  1. Awesome! I love it when my Reformed world intersects with my Christian Humanist Radio Network world. Thanks so much for bringing Aimee on to the show. The more influence Aimee has in the Church, the better! (Same goes for the CHRN too!)

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